March 25, 2013

PTA directs Mobile Operators to stop all Prize / Inaami Schemes

Pakistan Telecommunication Authority has directed cellular Mobile Operators to immediately stop all types of “Prize / Inaami” schemes in pursuance of the Islamabad High Court (IHC)orders on the matter.

IHC has dismissed the writ petition and FAOs filled by M/s Warid Telecom, Ufone, Telenor, Mobilink and CMPak, hence PTA directed CMOs to discontinue all types of “Prize / Inami” schemes with immediate effect.

It may be noted that various complaints were received by PTA on regular basis that CMOs are offering different prize schemes to their customers. From the contents of these schemes, it was observed that these were contrary to law, PTA’s direction and in violation of regulation 8(4) and 8(5)(i) of Telecom Consumer Protection Regulation, 2009.

Considering these prize schemes as being misleading and against the law, PTA had directed mobile operators on April 9, 2012 to stop all types of “Prize/Inaami” schemes. The order was challenged in the court by 5 mobile operators.
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