June 09, 2013

PTCL kicks-off Leadership Excellence Program

Leadership Excellence Program
Pakistan Telecommunications Company Limited (PTCL) has organized an exclusive two day ‘Leadership Conference’ for the company’s senior management. Themed ‘Speaker Series’ the conference kicks-off a high-impact top leadership excellence program for Senior Executive Vice Presidents (SEVP), Executive Vice Presidents (EVP) and General Managers (GM) stretched over a period of two years.

Through prudently-selected and targeted development plans, the program aims at establishing a strong distinctive leadership brand for PTCL which further sharpens the company’s leadership capabilities in line with the strategic business vision of the company.

Syed Mazhar Hussain, PTCL Senior Executive Vice President (SEVP) HR in his keynote address said that “The ‘Leadership Excellence Program’, is designed internally by HR based on our company’s unique perspective to further develop and refine a distinctive PTCL leadership brand.”

“Through various assessment and engagement interventions, key development areas have been identified for taking the organizational leadership potential to the next level”, he added further.

The leadership conference provided a unique platform where accomplished business leaders, top trainers, opinion makers, and industry experts shared their experiences, success stories and leadership best practices with PTCL leaders, thus broadening their learning horizons and giving the event a blend of both latest research and successful field practices.

The session opened up with Asad Umar, former CEO Engro, who stirred-up the audience with his inspiring personal leadership story, highlighting his aggressive approach to enhance business growth of Engro.

Ahsan Iqbal, Member of Parliament, infused his enlightening views on situational leadership, shared his rich and diverse personal leadership experiences in the public and private sector and also reinforced the significance of developing a leadership pipeline for ensuring a successful future.

PTCL Leadership Excellence Program
Syed Mazhar Hussain, PTCL SEVP HR along with senior officials of PTCL in a group photo at the company’s ‘Leadership Conference’ held in Islamabad.

Other prominent speakers included Badar Khushnood, Country Consultant, Google Pakistan; Roshaneh Zafar, CEO & Managing Director Kashf Foundation; Sarmad Tariq, Motivational Speaker & Trainer; Shahnaz Minallah an expert of art of living and Kamran Rizvi, Leading Consultant & Speaker.

The speakers shared their views on the critical role of leaders in fostering organizational innovation to augment business growth, embracing challenges, tackling adversities as well as building personal effectiveness and underscoring its significance with successful leadership.

The session concluded at a high note with motivational speaker Nadeem Chawhan captivating the audience with his engaging speech on revolutionizing organizations with exemplary leadership style and positive mindset.

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